Noolaatti Pala Kalai Orppu Maiyam
“Noolaatti Pala Kalai Orppu Maiyam ” (நூலாட்டி பல கலை ஓர்ப்பு மையம்) is a Visishtaadvaita SriVaishnava Sampradaaya Research Institute established by Paramanadi trust.
Noolaatti Activities
The Institute aims to collect, preserve and publish works (books/manuscripts) of Visishtaadvaita and related fields and to encourage scholars and students to take up a critical study of these fields.
Noolaatti aims to provide opportunity for everyone at all ages to learn Sampradaaya by providing different courses
Noolaatti helps students to certify themselves in various courses by conducting examinations.
Click here to know more about our examinations
Interested SriVaishnavas can register to the course by filling in the Course Registration form.
For further queries, contact Paramanadi Admin
at +91 93455 70750 or